Privacy Policy


What is "Personal Data"?

Personal data is any information that refers to the person of each person, such as: name, email address, home address, profession, marital status, age, racial origin, cell phone number, political beliefs, religion of belief, financial information and information social welfare, philosophical considerations, trade unions, his health, his erotic life and any criminal prosecutions and convictions. They may also include unique numeric identifiers such as your computer's IP address as well as cookies.

Personal data shall not be considered information from which a particular person cannot be identified.

Collection & Processing of Personal Data

Our site does not collect your personal information unless you have stated it for a specific purpose.

To complete the sending of your message from the contact form, you should, after reading the terms of use, select the checkbox under "I agree to the use of the above for personal communication purposes".

What data should be protected

The personal data of any living natural person, that is, any information concerning an identified natural person or any information that may directly or indirectly identify a natural person, in particular by reference to an identity such as name, ID number, data position or information relating to the physical, psychological, economic or social condition of such natural person. It does not concern the data of legal entities (companies, etc.). However, it concerns the data of a One-Person Company or an individual enterprise legally treated as a natural person.

Our site operates under an electronic certificate communication (SSL) protocol, which guarantees the secure transfer of data between a web server and a client.

All sites that are SSL encrypted protect their visitors so that no one can access their communication with the browser.

29 Michalakopoulou, Athens | 115 28

T: 2107214600 | F: 2107214600 | E: